Bad coping skills for sure. Belief in a cure all for every form of human suffering that's never gonna happen based on wishful and magical thinking and a host of cherry picked factoids causes one to operate with a not full deck.
You know subjecting a bunch of people to corporation slavery though the use of guilt and fear propaganda got weaken the human psyche to make it more prone toward mental illness or improper functioning. Bull shit in means bull shit out. Feeding one's mind on WT propaganda can actually make one shadow a living nightmare, cause one to really lose tract of himself and only identify with his persona, and dump a ton load of shit into his shadow causing more and more mental problems as one gets older in years.
These people are feeding on what ever utter bull shit the Governing Body and their helpers can dream up. That pure unadulterated bull shit in and so when it's decision time and what these people do will all be governed by the bull shit they took in and expecting Jehooper's help and not get any, they will suffer lots of disappointments which they will be in denial of while repeating corporate slogan's about loyalty and obedience to a murdering Jehovah and his earthly organization.